Saturday, December 21, 2013


Yesterday I received my first OPE interview offer from the University of Central Missouri. I spent all day concerned about what to do because you have to apply in order to interview and that means more money for me to spend on a 5th application and more letters of rec. to get. 

I talked to my mom about it, talked to my GHD Liz, I even called up Emily Simon. I talked it in circles with anyone who would listen to me. God bless my staff from now until February 27th because as these things happen, they will be the first ones to hear about it. 

This process is just beginning yet I can already see that it will be the most overwhelming experience of my life. The problem is that no one else can tell me what to do, because everyone's experience is different and no one else is looking for exactly what I am looking for. These big kid decisions that effect my entire life and my future are the scariest decisions I have ever had to make. What if I screw it up? What if I don't interview and thats where I'm supposed to end up? What if I don't get into a program? These are just some of the worries that I have. I am trying my damnedest to be positive throughout this process. I know coming from BGSU is going to help me because they have a well known CSP program and a well known Res. Life department too. And getting an interview offer on December 20th with my documents only being up on the OPE website for 24 hours is very positive as well. 

Despite any worries, I am incredibly excited to see where this goes next!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Fall Semester 2013

   Wow! I cannot believe this finals week completes my very last fall semester of my undergraduate career! I am so excited but also terrified at the same time. 2 graduate school applications are all but done and 2 are almost done/submitted. I want to be the person who gets multiple grad school offers and has to choose where they want to go, but I am very worried that I won't get in anywhere! 

  I have to remind myself that whatever is meant to be will find a way. I keep dreaming of grad school and what that will be like, and knowing I don't have a backup plan if that doesn't work is scary. I have been diligently working with a GHD, John Rios, on campus for my OPE items. John is so sweet and incredibly helpful. He offered to mentor me through this process and I will owe any of my OPE success to him and his help. We've met twice this semester so far and tomorrow he blocked off 3 hours of his day to help me again! 

   The waiting game from applications is upon us and I just have to keep busy to keep my mind off of everything, though I do receive daily emails from IUP (now if one of those just said I could interview I'd be a happy camper). My RA job is good at keeping me pre-occupied though and taking most of my attention off of waiting to hear back from schools about interviews. 

   I'm so close to graduation and grad school that I can taste it…now I just have to actually get there! Less than 5 months until I graduate, time is absolutely flying! I am loving where I am in life though, learning lots and trying to enjoy this season of life because I know it will never come again.