Wednesday, February 5, 2014

To OPE and beyond!

I am overwhelmed with interview offers right now, however, I am proud to say that my first grad school acceptance letter came yesterday. I got accepted to Florida International University! This is good news, but also overwhelms me and stresses me out at the same time. 

It is so incredibly nice to feel so wanted by so many Universities because I know that not everyone is having the success that I am. However, it puts that much more pressure on me to be an amazing candidate during the interview processes. Thankfully enough though, I have an amazing support system of family, friends, coworkers and mentors! I'm blessed by all of them. 

My ONEWORD 365 was confidence. This word is something that I am striving to exemplify in my daily life, but I know that I still have far to go, which is okay because it is only February 5.